Summit Day 1

And just like that the final week of kids camp has begun!

After arriving and setting up ‘home’ in their cabins for the week, Summit campers gathered together yesterday to get to know their cabin mates and counsellors over a spaghetti dinner with the most delicious homemade garlic bread. Following dinner, campers picked their activities for the week, took the swim test and met for big top where they were introduced to the series for the week taught by Pastor Nolan- HIStory.

“DA Bible is HIS story, it’s OUR story, it’s YOUR story”

To kick off Avengers week, all cabins were assigned to a “super hero” team and put together their team chants to close out Sunday night.

After kicking off the first full day of camp with morning activities that got the music pumpin’ and filling our bellies with breakfast, we headed to morning session where we were led in worship by Greg and Caleb. To wake us up, we sang about the JOY JOY JOY JOY down in our hearts. Pastor Nolan then spoke about Genesis 1 and the creation story. We learned that everything God had created was GOOD. We were encouraged to remember that we were intentionally created by God who knows us intimately. As part of the creation story, Pastor Nolan brought some fossils to show to the campers. Ivy, the camper helper this morning, was lucky enough to go home with a couple of the special fossils!

Before and after a delicious loaded baked potato and veggie lunch where the campers dressed up as their favourite superheros, campers had the chance to experience their first activities for the week. From kayaking to high ropes, water sports to visual arts, crafts to beach time and more, the camp was bustling with excitement.

After a cooler morning, the sun showed up just in time for free swim. Following dinner, the avengers assembled for their camp wide relay race game where one team excelled with a time of 6 minutes and 48 seconds!

The evening wrapped up with big top session. Pastor Nolan shared about how we all make choices in life and just like Adam and Eve we can sometimes make bad choices but God still meets us in those choices. After lots of laughs and singing around the campfire the Summit campers are off to bed!

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