Summit Day 6!

Summit Day 6! 

What a week we’ve had together here at Camp Kahquah!! 

We’ve learned so much about ourselves, one another, and most importantly, about God and his love for us!  Pastor Brent has helped us to taste and see that God is good and he is with us, always. Many campers have taken steps forward on their journey with Jesus and that is the very best news of all!!

When campers arrived here at camp they found out which cabin they would be in, who their cabin leaders would be, and the cabin mates they were going to share their week with. Most had never met before coming but they spent the week getting to know one another and being a cabin family together. They got to experience the joy and fun (and, sometimes, the challenge!) of living, playing, and learning together. Some formed friendships that will last a lifetime. They made memories together and grow in their faith. It’s not a week they are soon to forget! 


Cabins worked hard all week searching for clues, putting the pieces together, and trying to figure out WhoDunnit. All the cabins figured out that the culprit was actually Aunt Mya…but one cabin edged out their competition! Their prize? An ice cream party just for them after campfire!

Our fearless leaders (Program Directors) for Summit were Mya and Hannah! They have worked tirelessly to make this an amazing week, jam-packed with fun and opportunities for campers to learn and grow and try new things. They have done such an incredible job and their love for Jesus and each camper has been evident in it all! Thank you so much Mya and Hannah!! 

Countless memories have been made this week and lives have been changed, forever!!!  

Summit Day 5!

We woke up to cloudy skies and cooler weather this morning but that didn’t stop the fun! We spent some extra time under the Big Top together before lunch due to a brief storm but Aunt Mya kept us entertained with games and a hilarious lip sync battle courtesy of the Waterfront Staff! 


Our theme for lunch dress up was Cops and Robbers and it was awesome to see what ideas the campers came up with! They are so creative! 

The sun came out and campers had a great afternoon doing a variety of activities! During free swim, campers played in the water and on the beach during free swim. Some relaxed in the shade and read books, others swam despite the chilly air, and some worked together to make a human Jenga sand sculpture! 

After a yummy supper, campers searched for clues around camp property during the camp wide game. Once they had found all the clues, they worked together in groups to decipher a coded message. 

To wrap up another great day here at Summit, we gathered around the campfire for songs and skits! 

Summit Day 4

Today was Water Wednesday!! 

Before all the water fun began, we spent some time under the Big Top worshiping God and learning together. There is nothing quite like hearing campers and staff gathered together singing and praising God! Pastor Brent helped us to listen quietly for God’s voice and he encouraged us to take time to keep practicing throughout the rest of our week here at camp.

After Big Top, we kicked off Water Wednesday with an amazing Summit Quadrathlon. Campers gave it their all as they competed as teams. They had to run and swim, race in canoes and kayaks, and they finished things off with a relay race. Their effort and energy and persistence was inspiring to watch! 

The theme for lunch dress-up was Treasure Hunters and there were some amazing costumes! 

Once we finished lunch and had some time to rest in cabins during Tuck & Bunk, we jumped into the second part of our water day. 

Canoe Bucketball, Slip ‘n’ Slide, team relay races and water fights sure made it hard to stay dry! And we had a blast! 

Water Wednesday wouldn’t be possible without our awesome Waterfront Staff Team! They work hard each day to keep us safe while we have fun in and on the water. 

With two camp wide games tonight after a busy day playing in the sun, campers are sure to sleep well tonight! 

It’s hard to believe we’re already partway through our week together here at Summit!

Summit Day 3!

It was a gorgeous day here at Camp Kahquah!

The perfect day to be outside and play on the water.

Our theme for lunch was the board game Clue…and, boy, did campers ever come up with some amazing ideas and costumes! Go check out Instagram for more pictures! 

The sun was still shining for our huge game of capture the flag after supper. It’s always a favorite game up here at camp! 

While campers were outside having fun and enjoying the sunshine, Crew was inside and working around camp. They clean bathrooms, sweep and mop floors, help set up for meals, do a tonne of dishes after each meal, and so much more. And the most amazing part about Crew, is that they still have a whole lot of fun while they’re working hard! Today, between all their jobs, they even got to show off some of their creativity (and dance moves!) in an epic lipsync battle. It will go down in history! 

Shout out to Crew!!! 

Summit Day 2!

Today has been incredible! 

Some campers braved the chilly waters with a polar dip, while others enjoyed warm showers to start their day. And others still woke themselves up and got their blood flowing with some aerobics, karate and gaga ball. 

Under the Big Top this morning, we talked more about our walk with Jesus. Pastor Brent helped us to consider where we’re at on our journey and encouraged us to take at least one step towards Jesus this week! 

Campers used some creative strategies to sneak past Crew and Waterfront Staff who guarded the doors to the lodge. Pregnant women, giant circus performers, and campers disguised as staff were some that were granted entrance. 

As always, there was lots to do and it was busy around camp! Low and high ropes, tubing, crafts, and kayaking, archery, sports on dry ground and on the water, canoeing, archery tag, wilderness and ninja warrior adventures, and free swim. There’s never a dull moment here at Camp!

Ice cream cones for dessert after supper, some amazing games, worshipping together under the Big Top, and campfire was the best way to cap off an awesome day! 

And with that, the sun has set on our first full day of Summit! 

Summit Day 1!

Summit 2022 is off to a great start!! 

The bus arrived just before 5:00 and after we settled into our cabins, we had a yummy spaghetti dinner thanks to our amazing cooks! 

After dinner, we traveled around to different stations to meet some important people, learn about all the fun we will get to have this week, and do our swim tests. 

With the rain falling, we spent the rest of our night hanging out under the Big Top together. We kicked things off with a favourite song and Pastor Brent told us a bit about his journey with Jesus. It’s going to be an amazing week!

Our night wrapped up with a campfire before we headed to our cabins.

A good night’s sleep will help us be ready for all the fun that awaits us tomorrow! 

Blaze- Day 5

Happy Thursday!

Today’s theme was Stealth, so the camper’s challenge was to “sneak” into the Lodge for lunch! Many creative disguises led to entertainment for all.

Hydro-dipping frisbees!

High/low ropes!
“Amazon delivery” to the Lodge sneak in!

BIC Officials showed up to lunch as well

The Queen made an appearance, of course she was granted access to the Lodge!
Aspire’s cookie baking competition!

Camper’s had tons of energy at Big Top tonight! Each cabin team did a dramatic reading about how big our God is, and they definitely got their point across!

The sounds of singing and laughing coming from the bonfire tonight brings our soul joy.

Psalm 136- “Give thanks to the Lord; His love endures forever. To Him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever.”

Blaze Day 4- Water Wednesday

Today was a highly anticipated day! Water Wednesday!

We started out our morning as usual; breakfast, session and one activity.

After lunch we started our water day! the campers participated in Slip n Slide, water balloon toss, angry bird water slingshot, water carousel, canoe target practice, and of course, free swim!

Other than having to wait out a thunderstorm here and there, water Wednesday was a hit!

The rain cleared just in time for camp wide game and bonfire!

Another day done at Kahquah. Due to the weather, our wifi has been spotty, so hopefully more pictures to come tomorrow!

Just like what we have been saying over our campers all week…

The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

Blaze Day 3

A beautifully cool morning here at Kahquah!

Campers were full of energy yelling on their porches even before the wake up bell rang!

Our camp cooks for this week; Trish and Danielle, always make sure our campers and staff are well fed to get us through a full day!

A full rotation of activities on the roster today! As the day warmed up, campers got to enjoy canoeing, water skiing, knee boarding, sports, etc!

Today at session, our speaker Charmaine talked about humility, and how God looks at our hearts compared to how others in our lives sometimes look at our outer selves. What God thinks about us matters!

More activities all afternoon led us into a relaxed evening of a having dinner together, evening session, and a bonfire to show off your improv and singing skills!

Another day of fun, games, laughing, learning and relaxing here at Camp.

Thanks be to God for all He is doing in this place.

Blaze- Day 1 & 2

Camp Blaze has begun! All kids and leaders arrived safely on Sunday afternoon! Everyone quickly got settled in and headed to the Lodge for a camp staple…Spaghetti dinner!

Session night one started with some live music and a short introduction from our speaker for the week; Charmaine Stulp!

Kids and leaders enjoyed a bonfire in the evening then headed to their cabins for night!

Such a fun first afternoon/evening with the campers. Looking forward to a fantastic week together!

DAY 2!

Up bright and early for 1st activity today! Campers enjoyed baking cookies, hydro dipping Frisbee’s, water sports, archery tag, high ropes, and lots more!

Cookie shaped like a magnify glass….spy week!!

An afternoon of fun led to free swim before dinner!

A camp wide game of Capture the Flag and bonfire ended our second night together!

campfire songs galore!

“pose funny”

Kahquah ghost?

Looking forward to another fun day together tomorrow!